Web Sites Every Student Should Know

Posted by him on Thursday, August 19, 2010 In : Computer Special 

The following is a list of the most comprehensive and reliable educational Web sites a student can bookmark and use to research school projects and homework assignments.

MSN Encarta
The free MSN Encarta site features more than 4,500 articles pooled from Microsoft Encarta and comes with dictionaries, maps, fast facts, interactive quizzes, handy homework tools, and more.
Since 1995, Refdesk.com, which stands for "reference desk," has served as a one-click springboard to many of the Web'...

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Apple iTransparent 4G concept Phone

Posted by him on Thursday, August 19, 2010 In : Latest Technology 

 More and more advance gadgets are coming in the market everyday . From 2G to 3G and 3G to 4G technology is changing continuously . Here is a glimpse of Apple iTransparent concept phone .
iTransparent is a 4G concept phone , which means its yet to come in the market . But looking at this incredible transparent phone , I can definitely say its going to be the future iPhone .Its transparent housing varies depending on the weather! Thus, in the sunny days, the screen will be completely transparen...

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Shutdown Computer with Your Cell Phone

Posted by him on Thursday, August 19, 2010 In : Computer Special 

 Using this method, a user can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer, just by sending an email from his or her phone.

To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown.

So, this is how you do this:

1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown, Hibernate etc. You can write them down yourselves

2. open your note pad

and write lik this...


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