Is it possible to access Gmail without Internet ? You may be saying no , but yes gmail can be accessed without Internet also  . With the use of Some Gmail gears you can access Gmail offline . All mails that you receive while offline will be placed in a outbox  and it gets automatically delivered to you when you gets connected . Here is how you can setup your offline Gmail .

Step 1 .Click Settings and click the offline tab in your gmail inbox.

Step 2. Select "Enable offline Mail for this Computer ".

Step 3.Click Save Changes.

Step 4. A POP up window will open asking to install gmail gears on your system. Click install.

Step 5. After your browser reloads, you'll see a new "Offline" link in green in the upper right corner of your account, next to your user-name. Click this link to start the offline set up process and download Gears if you don't already have it.