Showing category "Latest Technology" (Show all posts)

Xbox 360 Kinect Review

Posted by him on Thursday, August 26, 2010, In : Latest Technology 

Kinect is a camera for Xbox 360...

Let's boil this down to its most simple: Kinect is an Xbox 360 peripheral. Think of it as a webcam on steroids that plugs into the console's USB port that looks like it belongs with a PS3.

...formerly known as Project Natal...

Yes, you've heard "Project Natal" for a year now—and we've covered "Natal" extensively (read this and this if you haven't). That was just the working title. Now, it's called Kinect...which is horribly confusing to those of us who played...

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Now human gets infected with computer virus !!

Posted by him on Sunday, August 22, 2010, In : Latest Technology 
This may sound wired to you ,but this really happened . A British scientist Dr. Mark Gasson from the University of  Reading, truly is the first human to get infected with a computer virus .This did not happened accidentally , Mark actually did it to himself .

What Gasson did was contract the virus into a chip implanted in his hand which then passed into a laboratory computer. If allowed to propagate, it was determined the virus could have spread into other chips found in building access car...
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How to access GMAIL without Internet

Posted by him on Sunday, August 22, 2010, In : Latest Technology 
Is it possible to access Gmail without Internet ? You may be saying no , but yes gmail can be accessed without Internet also  . With the use of Some Gmail gears you can access Gmail offline . All mails that you receive while offline will be placed in a outbox  and it gets automatically delivered to you when you gets connected . Here is how you can setup your offline Gmail .

Step 1 .Click Settings and click the offline tab in your gmail inbox.

Step 2. Select "Enable offline Mail for this Compute...
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Apple iTransparent 4G concept Phone

Posted by him on Thursday, August 19, 2010, In : Latest Technology 

 More and more advance gadgets are coming in the market everyday . From 2G to 3G and 3G to 4G technology is changing continuously . Here is a glimpse of Apple iTransparent concept phone .
iTransparent is a 4G concept phone , which means its yet to come in the market . But looking at this incredible transparent phone , I can definitely say its going to be the future iPhone .Its transparent housing varies depending on the weather! Thus, in the sunny days, the screen will be completely transparen...

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